Money Back Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee Requirements

To be eligible for the Coding Temples Money-Back guarantee program you must fully comply with the specified criteria below. If you do not receive a qualifying job offer within 270 days of your job-seeking start date, you will be eligible for full tuition reimbursement. “Job-seeking Start Date” is defined as the day after the cohort completion date. Coding Temple reserves the right to consider graduates who do not commence a job search starting on the job-seeking start date, or have demonstrated levels of responsiveness and/or job-search activity less then the below requirement such that said graduate would not reasonably be considered to be engaging in a job search, as “not job-seeking.” Meeting some or partial requirements does not offer a partial refund. To remain eligible for the Money-Back Guarantee, you must be actively job seeking and meet all of the following job search requirements during the nine (9)-month period following your job-seeking start date.

  • Be 21 years of age or older and legally authorized to work in the United States for at least two (2) years consecutively beginning the first day of your job search.
  • Be proficient in both spoken and written English.
  • Must not miss more than three days of class. Being late or leaving class early in excess of two hours is considered a truancy and a missed attendance day. Class attendance is mandatory.
  • Must complete all assignments/weekly projects on time. All projects and assignments must be submitted to the Coding Temple student portal.
  • The student must be able to obtain a minimum of 300 points on Codewars to be considered a Graduate of Coding Temple.
  • Must attend job search support workshops held during the cohort.
  • Must attend all five days of capstone project week. Capstone project week is designated as your last five days of your cohort.
  • Students must graduate on time to be eligible for Money Back Guarantee. Graduation Requirements can be found in your student enrollment agreement
  • A student must have their capstone project 75% completed by presentation date barring a verifiable emergency.
  • Be responsive to communications from your Coding Temple Career Coach member, including but not limited to Career Coaching and Business Development, within three business days (or within reason accounting for unforeseen or extenuating circumstances).
  • To obtain career support and graduate, students must have at least 300 points on CodeWars to graduate. Coding Temple recommends that a student try to obtain 25-50 points per week, 30 points per week would satisfy graduation requirements.
  • Must attend and engage in Job Search Support Workshops held by Career Coach and Alumni Technical Instructor on a weekly basis.
  • Must score ⅗ on mock interview with Alumni Technical Instructor. Students have two weeks to complete a mock interview post graduation.
  • Be available, if invited, to interview for a minimum of three interviews per week.
  • On a weekly basis, update your job-search tracking with an emailed summary of job-seeking activities; Make contact with at least 5 specific individuals at prospective employers within the software development field each week, record evidence of such contact, and furnish it upon request by Coding Temple.
  • Submit responses to any code-challenges associated with any job application on-time or within one week of receipt if a due date is not specified.
  • Upon request by Coding Temple, provide evidence of attending all scheduled interviews.
  • Post at least five GitHub commits per week to your public GitHub profile.
  • The student must work on a side project to show they are learning and practicing weekly. Everything must be updated to Github so we can see your activity.
  • Must obtain 75 weekly points on Codewars post graduation until reaching level four (KYU).  Once level four has been obtained, the student must complete 7 Leetcode questions per week.
  • Email your Career Coach within one business day of receipt of any job offer, including the date of the job offer, name and address of the entity extending the offer, and the title and compensation rate of the position being offered.
  • If a student is in the process of interviewing or awaiting job offer from an employer or Partner Company set up by Coding Temple at the conclusion of a 270-day job guarantee the period in which the Job Offer Guarantee will be extended until the ongoing interview process has concluded.
  • Be willing to work in person in the United States within a reasonable commuting distance from the main work or residence address from which you are job-seeking, and be willing to work remotely from within the United States.
    • Have not received and accepted an offer for any paid full-time job (an average of 30 hours or more per week or two (2) or more part-time jobs aggregating an average of 30 hours or more per week) in the United States as an employee, apprentice, intern or independent contractor: (i) after completion of the relevant program, in any field; or (ii) during your participation in, and prior to your completion of, the relevant program, that meets the definition of a Qualifying Job Offer.
      Qualifying Job Offers contingent upon a background check or drug test will be considered to satisfy the requirement at the time of receipt; recipients of Qualifying Job Offers that are revoked following an employee-initiated drug test or background check will not be eligible for any tuition waiver.

It is your sole responsibility to keep track of all job search required activities. Coding Temple recommends that you keep a written log of your activities, backup all data, and make copies of relevant documentation. Coding Temple may, at any time during the 6-month period following your completion of the relevant program, verify your compliance with the job search requirements and ask you for proof of compliance. Failure to present proof of compliance with the job search requirements may result in forfeiture of eligibility for the Money-Back Guarantee.


This document applies to students who enrolled in the November 2023 cohorts or later. Previous versions of the Job Guarantee are applicable based on the cohort start date as follows: