Easiest Programming Languages to Learn

Many people think of coding as a series of numerical symbols and hard-to-read commands. Luckily, this generalization is a misconception. Tons of coding languages are so similar to English that you can start using them within just a couple of weeks!

There is a wide range of jobs available in several industries for those who develop basic programming skills. Read on to find out what some of the easiest programming languages to learn are.

Defining the “Easiest Programming Languages to Learn”

Before studying programming basics and software engineering, it’s important to answer the question of what makes a coding language easy to use. The answer to this is subjective since different people have varying strengths and weaknesses. However, some across-the-board considerations lead to easy programming.

Many coding languages like Malbolge or Haskell use convoluted numbers and symbols to mark different commands. These languages are very distinct from human languages and require a lot of memorization. It’s similar to gaining a totally new vocabulary when learning a second human language.

These aren’t ideal for those just learning programming basics. Instead, pick a language like Python that includes a lot of words in their commands.

Computers, servers, and other machines don’t care how simple or complex a command is when taking it. The programmer is the only one who will struggle with hard-to-learn languages when the computer could just as easily interpret simple word-based commands.

Another thing that contributes to a language’s difficulty is whether it’s a static or dynamic coding language. Statically typed languages let the programmer define data once when it’s compiled. The coder can’t change it while it’s running.

But dynamic typing lets new and experienced programmers change their data types and sets while the program is running. This is better for beginners because the program will run until it hits an error and stop there. A static language wouldn’t run in the first place, so you would have no indication of what’s wrong with it.


Python is sometimes considered the simplest programming language to learn because all commands are written in simple English. This makes it easy to understand and read. It also makes it easy to remember the commands you need to type because they’ll be in a language you’re used to.

Python is also an open-source program, so users and developers can see and manipulate its source code. Anyone can help it develop, not just the programmer who originally made it. This collaborative effort makes it easy to grow an effective program.

This coding language is also extremely versatile. Small and short projects are easy to complete with it. These projects could include expanding on existing applications, shutting down applications that have been running in the background for a long time, and organizing a couple of specific data sets.

But it also can develop huge systems including apps and websites. Netflix and Instagram were both made with Python and are global behemoths. There’s no limit to what you can do!


Like Python, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) have an easily readable structure with English tags. They also give new coders instant feedback on how they’re doing, which makes them a useful tool for learning basic programming skills.

HTML is specifically made for web browsers. It’s used when making websites to showcase in Chrome, Firefox, and other common web browsers. The coder uses HTML to tell the browser how to display content inside of it, and the browser interprets the information to display the front-end web interface as desired. This makes HTML vital for those designing functional websites.

Most programming experts use CSS and HTML together after learning them at the same time. CSS lets you make the page more complex because of its ability to create descriptive elements. HTML is the basic language used to make a webpage while CSS designs the layout, adds images and colors, and brands the site appropriately.

There are tons of careers that understanding basic HTML and CSS open up for you. Jobs in quality assurance are one of the many roles relying on web design and online communication applications created with HTML. Coding Temple’s quality assurance bootcamp can help you understand the need for this role and how it corresponds to programming languages.


Not to be confused with Java, which is more complex, JavaScript is an easy language to learn because of its well-structured and object-oriented nature. The software aims to help you take your website content to the next level with interactive objects.

Search bars and rotating images are just the tip of the iceberg. With JavaScript, you can also use on-site video and audio. Moving infographics and hamburger menus also make it easy to engage webpage visitors.

You can also add cybersecurity features to your site and embed them within its framework. There are several reasons JavaScript is easy to learn right after you understand CSS, and you can test it directly in your browser.

The Inspect Element command lets you assess every piece of code. You can change small pieces and look at how it alters the elements of the page you’re on. Seeing this lets you then tweak the code to change the website until it’s exactly what you want it to be.

Learning JavaScript on your own can be a challenge even with online resources that make it easy. Though it’s possible to learn its intricacies by yourself, a coding bootcamp can help you do it faster and with minimal frustration.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

SQL is a programming language made for managing databases.

It’s equipped to handle a massive quantity of data at once, making it necessary for the operations of larger companies. This is especially true of businesses that need to collect and securely store data in fields like healthcare and finance. However, software firms, manufacturing companies, and retail stores can benefit from SQL-managed databases, too.

Data analytics bootcamp can help you understand the ins and outs of SQL and its place in database management. It’s a back-end language that lets the server store data appropriately and make it more manageable. Learning its commands and structure really pays off because it opens big-company job opportunities for you.


If you want to build your own servers, Ruby is a great coding language to know. It’s a back-end programming software that uses English words in commands. The commands are also minimal and can launch heavy tasks like developing software that lets servers run.

Ruby is also ideal for those looking to gather information from websites. You can easily set it to scrape the web and crawl through your website to get SEO-related information. This intel will help you understand how to optimize your webpage to get it higher-ranked in Google results.

One great thing about Ruby is it has a great community to support new programmers. You can contact those who designed the code with minimal difficulty. You can also talk with other users to resolve problems together and get coding tips for easier use.

Ruby is also a lot of fun because while it starts out simple, there’s a lot you can do with it. Coding Temple’s coding bootcamp can help you learn how to execute more complex and high-tech commands. Ruby’s easy to learn, but an exciting challenge to fully dive into.


C is a simple programming language to learn because of its versatile uses. Its main operation is writing the backend of applications, though it can also write full-on Operating Systems (OSs).

C uses only 32 keywords in its syntax, far less than most coding languages use. Others have 60 or more keywords to remember, meaning you’ll have a harder time learning to use them than you will C.

Another good thing about C is that it’s a tried-and-true coding language. Since it’s been around for a long time, there are tons of online resources that can walk you through more complex coding concepts. You can also use the solutions to problems posted online to check your work on practice programs, which makes it great for those just now learning to program.

Make sure you don’t get confused between C and its extension “C++.” That’s one of the hardest programming languages to use, and it’s significantly more convoluted and confusing.

You don’t want to clog up your journey of learning to program with something so difficult and advanced. However, once you have a good understanding of how C works, you can play with the extensions for a higher-level experience.

Build Better Coding Skills With Quality Training Programs

Now that you know some of the easiest programming languages to learn and use, it’s time to jumpstart your coding career with Coding Temple. We’re committed to helping clients build coding careers from scratch or learn advanced coding skills for a more competitive edge.

When you invest in our courses, you’re investing in yourself. Our graduates have an average 87% satisfaction rate and a $23,000 salary increase, so apply today to start learning to program the right way.